Alice W

社区第 773 号会员,加入于 2022-06-12 22:35:58

  • 讲真想run 就do it 趁年轻!
    我只去过一次 体检? 从此之后就没去过 而且还是澳洲签把我整得像个病人一样
    回复于 2年前
  • 讲真想run 就do it 趁年轻!
    世上总有很多不如人意的事,你喜欢的国家,或许没公司学校喜欢你 ,没资质只能等别人挑,只有使自己强大才能改善现状,如果不介意辛苦 可出去做普工 服务生 或者建筑工 但是出去的意义是比现状要更好,要是出去辛苦 还是国内待更好了
    回复于 2年前
  • 有前端的看机会吗?德国柏林招一个前端工程师
    回复于 2年前
  • 话说, 直接投海外研发岗位, 是不是要国内简历有大厂经验才行?
    Yes and no. When you are more junior in your career - yes. What you must understand is that visas are processed by bureaucrats. Our job is to make it as easy as possible for them to say yes. So the CV and the JD and the country’s experience requirements and the references must all line up. Your job is to make it easy for them to say yes. Many countries want 4 years of experience for each equivalent year of a degree course. So if you are early in your career, the degree is very important.
    回复于 2年前
  • 话说, 直接投海外研发岗位, 是不是要国内简历有大厂经验才行?
    HR (actually TA - Talent Acquisition) are gatekeepers. You need to write a CV for two audiences - TA and the hiring manager. Sometimes (often?) they can be opposites. What I look for as a HM is the way you think. What TA often do us keyword matching. That makes it hard to write a good CV.
    回复于 2年前